

Fine chemicals into structural adjustment breakthrough Liaoning

News of the new network , Liaoning Petroleum and Chemical Planning Institute , general manager of Sun Yun told reporters yesterday , the provincial government and relevant departments in accordance with the requirements of the hospital "compiled fine chemical industry in Liaoning Province Development Plan" ( 2013 to 2015 years ) , by the end of October through experts. Liaoning will be fine chemical industry as the adjustment of industrial structure , foster economic growth, the breakthrough point , pushing through the five initiatives to the development of fine chemical industry , construction, fine chemicals province.

According to reports, " plan" clearly , to 2015 , Liaoning fine chemical industrial output value exceeded 360 billion yuan , fine rate of 50% ; 2020 fine chemical industrial output value of 700 billion yuan , fine rate of 60% ; 2025 industrial output value of 1 trillion yuan fine chemicals , fine rate of 65%.

" Plan" shows fine chemical industry to promote the development of Liaoning will take five initiatives:

Efforts to support a number of key enterprises and key products . The largest domestic backbone enterprises mainly include ethylene oxide processing enterprises, Asia's largest producers of raw materials , chemicals , market share reached 80% of the polyolefin catalysts enterprises in the same industry occupies an important position in high efficiency, low toxicity, environment-friendly pesticide production enterprises ; major products are mainly with the international advanced level, to fill the gaps in the fluorocarbon alcohol products , upscale dyes, pigments , intermediates and cyanuric chloride .

Strengthen the construction of scientific and technological research and development capabilities and strong research institutes . Pesticides and dyes using national research centers , the National Key Laboratory of catalyst technology , the State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Fine Chemicals continue to develop scientific research in the development and application areas ; take advantage of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology , Liaoning Shihua University , Dalian University of Technology to form the basis of research, applied research, product development and technology combined with comprehensive scientific research system, and focus on developing high-tech, high value-added chemicals and new materials .

Integration of raw material resources. Expand both total and structural adjustment , take full advantage of the province seven refineries and Huajin Group , Shenyang Chemical Group refinery project produces olefins, aromatics feedstock ; relying on location and transportation advantages, make full use of the surrounding areas and foreign raw materials, resources , using recently developed a new type of chemical technology , leveraging the development of fine chemicals ; fully exploited boron, magnesium and other inorganic chemical products.

Accelerate a number of key projects. Accelerate Panjin and Win Holdings 60,000 tons / year butyl / halogenated butyl rubber project , Fushun Yi Kesi 40,000 tons / year isoprene rubber project , Panjin Run Chemical 1000 tons / year polyether ether ketone project , Yingkou Warwick poly imide and other construction projects .

Accelerate the construction of industrial cluster size . More initiatives to guide enterprises to enter the park , according to local resources , and build a number of upstream and downstream fine chemical industrial chain, planning and development of 15 high-level key petrochemical and fine chemical industry cluster.